The Pink Fund Announces the Appointment of Two New Board Members
“Our Board of Directors is comprised of a dedicated team of community leaders committed to providing critical leadership and decision-making that is vital to our organization. We are privileged to

“Our Board of Directors is comprised of a dedicated team of community leaders committed to providing critical leadership and decision-making that is vital to our organization. We are privileged to have such a talented group of board directors and we anticipate that the diverse experience that our new board members bring will add significant value to the board,” said Molly MacDonald CEO & Founder of The Pink Fund.
Dan Sherman has been in the field of financial navigation services for oncology patients since 2008 at the Lacks Cancer Center in Grand Rapids, MI. He is also founder and president of “The NaVectis Group”, a consulting company that assists oncology providers with implementation of financial navigation programs within the oncology setting. His financial navigation program has been highlighted as best practice by “The Oncology Roundtable” and “The Association of Community Cancer Centers.” His financial navigation program has been implemented in over 60 hospitals across the US. He has been published in the Journal of Access Management, Oncology Issues, American Journal of Managed Care, Journal of Oncology Practice and Clinical Journal of Oncology Nursing. Mr. Sherman has a degree in Accounting, a bachelor’s degree in Psychology and a master’s degree in Counseling.
“I am deeply humbled by this opportunity to serve on the board of The Pink Fund. The Pink Fund’s mission of decreasing financial distress of breast cancer patients aligns with the mission of my company, NaVectis Group. Financial Toxicity has devastated the lives of countless breast cancer patients across our nation and The Pink Fund is at the forefront of addressing this issue. I am excited to join this organization to help further its mission of decreasing financial distress for breast cancer patients.”
Katrina Studvent has been in the field of cancer health awareness for more than 10 years and previously held the position of Chief Development Officer for the Karmanos Cancer Institute, one of 51 NCI-designated comprehensive cancer centers. She also led the Komen Detroit Race for the Cure as director and chair of the annual fundraising event. Katrina has led philanthropic efforts for two major cancer organizations by identifying and bridging stakeholders’ interest in cancer education, prevention, treatment advancements and clinical research. In addition, Katrina is a member of the Detroit Health Link for Cancer Care Advisory and Oversight Committee, Michigan Cancer Consortium’s Membership and Health Equity committees, Sisters Network Greater Detroit Chapter, and the Women’s Committee at the Charles H. Wright Museum of African American History. Mrs. Studvent holds a B.A. in Political Science, Master’s in Social Work degree with a focus in Non-Profit Management and she received a Non-Profit Leadership Certificate from John F. Kennedy School of Executive Education at Harvard University.
“As a working young professional, wife and mother during the time of my breast cancer diagnosis, I understand the financial burdens a cancer diagnosis can present. I am excited about this opportunity to impact the financial stressors that occur while receiving treatment and help spread awareness of financial toxicity as a critical barrier to care amongst cancer patients nationwide. It is my hope that my knowledge and reach throughout our community locally and nationally will support The Pink Fund’s mission to further expand its efforts across the country and allow more cancer patients to redirect their focus to what matters most; returning to a healthy work-life balance.”
About The Pink Fund
The Pink Fund provides financial support to help breast cancer patients in active treatment meet their daily living expenses. Our grant program helps patients and their families by making payments for critical non-medical expenses such as housing, utilities, transportation and health insurance. Payments are made directly to creditors with a cap of up to $3,000 for up to 90 days. To learn more visit: