September 20, 2024

EU Lawmakers Agree on Capital Requirements for Banks Holding Crypto Amid Transitional Regime


In a significant development for the regulation of cryptocurrencies, European Union (EU) lawmakers have reached an agreement on capital requirements for banks holding crypto assets. This decision comes as part of a transitional prudential regime that will be in effect until more extensive reforms, based on the Basel III banking standards, are implemented by the European Commission (EC). The aim of this regime is to ensure transparency and disclosure of banks’ exposure to crypto-assets, including the establishment of capital requirements.

The EU’s Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) came to an agreement on Tuesday regarding a transitional prudential regime for crypto assets. This regime will remain in effect until the EC implements the Basel III banking reforms, which are internationally recognized standards for banking regulation. MEP Jonás Fernandez emphasized the importance of these transitional arrangements in setting capital requirements for crypto assets until specific legislative proposals are put forward by the Commission. The objective of this approach is to reduce the risk of future banking crises and enhance the stability of the financial system.

One of the key aspects of the agreed-upon regime is the requirement for banks to disclose their exposure to crypto-assets. MEPs have urged the European Commission to develop a relevant legislative proposal that aligns with the future Basel standards and specifies the prudential treatment of such exposures during the transitional period. The introduction of these disclosure requirements will provide regulators and market participants with crucial information about banks’ involvement in the crypto space and enable them to assess associated risks more effectively.

While the details of the agreement are yet to be fully disclosed, the European Parliament Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs confirmed the deal through a tweet and stated that further information would follow. The next steps involve the deal being voted on by member states in the EU’s Council and by lawmakers to transform it into legislation. This process will determine the final form of the transitional regime and its implementation timeline.

The move to regulate bank exposure to crypto assets aligns with ongoing global efforts to establish standards in this area. The Basel Committee on Banking Supervision, a key international body, is currently finalizing global standards for regulating bank exposure to crypto assets. These standards are expected to adopt a cautious approach, emphasizing prudential treatment to mitigate risks. The Basel III agreement, drafted collaboratively by the EU and its G20 partners, is a comprehensive response to the 2007/2008 Global Financial Crisis. It focuses on strengthening prudential regulatory standards, supervision, and risk management for banks.

The agreement on capital requirements for banks holding crypto assets marks a significant step toward regulating and overseeing the involvement of financial institutions in the cryptocurrency sphere. By introducing a transitional prudential regime, EU lawmakers aim to enhance transparency, minimize risks, and ensure the stability of the financial system. As global standards for regulating bank exposure to crypto assets are being finalized at the Basel Committee, the EU’s decision reinforces the importance of aligning regulatory frameworks to address the unique challenges posed by cryptocurrencies. The path toward implementing the agreed-upon regime will involve further legislative steps, including voting by member states and lawmakers, ultimately shaping the future landscape of crypto asset regulation in the EU. This is sure to send a ripple globally as several countries are keen on implementing cryptocurrency regulation to spark innovation while protecting investors.

Terry Jones
Technology/Digital Assets Desk
